Machine Options

Dispensing Options

For measuring exact shot size.
For controlled dispense of your mixed product.
For controlled dispense of your material.
For putting material into static mixers.
For uniformly spraying your material onto any surface.
For dispensing materials in circles from 24mm to 155mm in diameter.
For dispensing epoxy onto your large wet lay-ups.
For mixing two-part materials.

Reservoir Options

Removes dissolved gas and entrapped air from materials for bubble-free parts.
Dispense directly out of 55s or totes!
For protecting extremely moisture-sensitive materials.
For moisture-sensitive materials.
For heating materials to improve flow rate and material reactivity
For warming frames and reservoirs.
For heating materials in-reservoir.
For preventing material settling from a drum.

Stand-alone Options

For degassing materials in containers up to 5 gallons.
For reliably weighing materials.